Archives: FAQs

Will we be able to visit the park during construction?

Based on where we are in design phase and what we know now, we do not have exact impacts identified, but it is likely that visiting the park will be impacted during construction. More details about impacts and timelines will be made available when they are known in more detail.

When will Miami Avenue be removed?

Based on where we are in design phase and what we know now, we can not confidently project exact timelines. We anticipate construction to occur next year (likely spring/summer) and will have impacts to park use and events during construction.

When will construction on the park begin?

Based on where we are in design phase and what we know now, we can not confidently project exact timelines. We anticipate construction to occur next year (likely spring/summer) and will have impacts to park use and events during construction.

What field trips do campers go on?

Campers registered for Traditional Camp will go on one field trip a week. Those registered for Thrill Seekers Camp will go on two field trips a week. A list of weekly field trips will be available April 1st.    

Who do I contact if I have a problem or question?

Initial questions can be directed to your team’s coach through TeamSnap messaging.  If you have a question for a league administrator, please email or call 937-866-899. 

Can you reset my TeamSnap Password?

Unfortunately, your account is with the TeamSnap company and not under our staff’s management. MBSL staff do not have access to confidential information such as usernames, passwords, or credit cards. Please follow TeamSnap’s customer support links for password retrieval. 

How do I join the MBSL Advisory Board?

The MBSL Advisory Board exists as a forward-thinking group that functions as a sounding board for ideas and changes proposed by the MBSL Administration to further grow and improve the league. It is essentially a focus group of caring individuals that are willing to think through new ideas and rule updates for the league. To … Continued

Does MBSL offer All Star Teams?

Yes – we will offer recreational all-star teams for all age groups 8U and older.   One coach from each age group will coach a rec all-star team that will compete in tournaments throughout July.   Recreation All-Star teams will have 11-14 players per team.  Individuals chosen for an all-star team will be given an all-star jersey … Continued

Can my child play-up an age division?

Yes – individuals may play up an age division. Nobody is allowed to play down an age division.  Please email if you would like to request for your child to play up an age division.  Please note that age group options in registration are based on your child’s birthday. You will need to register for the … Continued

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