Camper behavior expectations.

Practicing the 3 R’s

Respectful, Responsible and Ready

Respectful, Responsible, Ready! At Camp Miamisburg we will prioritize the 3 R’s: Respectful, Responsible, Ready!

Campers should be Respectful of others and their equipment, Responsible for their actions and their belongings, and Ready to participate and listen to instructors.

The 3 Rs make it easy for campers to remember the expectations we have while attending Camp Miamisburg. Miamisburg Parks and Recreation Department is committed to ensuring a safe, nurturing environment for all campers attending. This expectation is enforced in a fair and consistent manner. Individuals may lose the opportunity to participate in certain camp activities and guardians will be contacted if these expectations are not met.

Campers are expected to:

  • Take responsibility for their own behavior
  • Be courteous
  • Be respectful of others and their property
  • Cooperate with others
  • Speak appropriately
  • Seek alternatives to verbal and physical conflicts
  • Exhibit self-control
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