
MBSL Baseball & Softball Rules

General MBSL Questions

There are three steps to becoming a volunteer coach. First, fill out a coach application, then complete a background check, finally complete training. Below is the link to the volunteer application.   

Volunteer Coach Application 

The MBSL Handbook is packed with information about the league! We try to include as much information as possible about the program in the Handbook. The Handbook includes key dates for the season, parent code of conduct, league policies, equipment needs, and general league rules. The Handbook can be found at the link below.  

2025 MBSL Handbook 

You can email if you have further questions.  

Yes – we will offer recreational all-star teams for all age groups 8U and older.  

  • One coach from each age group will coach a rec all-star team that will compete in tournaments throughout July.  
  • Recreation All-Star teams will have 11-14 players per team. 
  • Individuals chosen for an all-star team will be given an all-star jersey to wear at tournament games. 
  • All Star Teams will have separate team practices in the weeks leading up to Recreation All-Star Tournaments. 
  • We will have tryouts for Recreation All-Star teams in mid-May. Keep an eye out on your email for more details throughout the season from MBSL staff.  
  • Umpires for MBSL are contracted through Home Field Instruction and Sarah Hardyman umpire group. We always need more umpires, and you can be an umpire for our league as young as 13 years old. You can also request to only umpire games in your local community so travel to work is easy and simple as well. Pay starts at $30 per game for the youngest age group. Umpire Bootcamps are March 9 and 11, 2025. There is also an online training option.
    To inquire about becoming an umpire, please email

Registration is online through TeamSnap. Follow the link below to begin registration.  

Spring 2025 Player Registration 

Games & Equipment

Opening Day for Gameplay is mid to late April. 

It is the league’s intention to schedule games on Saturdays until the midway point of the season when games will replace scheduled practices during the week. 

Game schedules will be uploaded into your TeamSnap page during the first week of April. 

Bat and Cleat Restrictions and Requirements are listed in the chart below. 

League  Cleat Requirements  Bat Requirements 
4U COED Tball  Rubber  T-BALL Rated 
6U COED Tball  Rubber  T-BALL Rated 
8U COACH PITCH SOFTBALL  Rubber  ASA or USA Softball Rated 

Max barrel diameter 2 3/4”   

BPF (bat performance factor) of 1.15 or less. Must be affixed to the bat for identification.  

No negative drop applied. 

10U KID PITCH SOFTBALL  Rubber  ASA or USA Softball Rated 

Max barrel diameter 2 3/4”  

BPF (bat performance factor) of 1.15 or less. Must be affixed to the bat for identification.  

No negative drop applied. 

12U SOFTBALL  Rubber  ASA or USA Softball Rated 
12U BASEBALL  Rubber 

Max Barrel Diameter = 2 ¾” 

Maximum Negative Drop is -12 

14U SOFTBALL  Rubber  Bat restrictions follow OHSAA Rules 
14U BASEBALL  Rubber or Metal  Maximum Negative Drop is -8 
18U SOFTBALL  Rubber  Bat restrictions follow OHSAA Rules 
18U BASEBALL  Rubber or Metal  Bat restrictions follow OHSAA Rules 


Your child will need a glove, cleats, and a bat. 

  • Your child is welcome to share a bat with others on the team.  
  • Regular athletic shoes, soccer cleats and football cleats are all fine.  

MBSL supplies a set of equipment to each coach. Included in the set are batting helmets, balls, and catcher’s gear.  

  • Catcher’s gear is given to teams 8U and up allowing the coach to give anyone the opportunity to play catcher.  
  • Your child is welcome to bring their own catcher’s gear and batting helmet as well. 

A jersey shirt, league hat, and socks are supplied in your child’s registration and will be given out in early April. 

  • Pants are available for purchase during the player registration. You are also welcome to supply your own baseball pants – black pants are recommended. 

Potentially – Some leagues do not receive enough registrations to play as a totally in-town league. Therefore, we partner with area leagues (West Carrollton, Springboro, and Waynesville) to get enough games in the season. The final decision on partnering is made at the close of registration and based on registration numbers. 

Team Formation

Your child’s age group is dependent on their birthday and whether they are playing baseball or softball. Use the charts below to determine which age group your child will play in. Note: your child may play up an age group but may not play down an age group.   


League Age is determined by child’s age on April 30, 2025. 

For example, a 10U Player must be 10 years old or younger on April 30, 2025. 

Age Group  Oldest Birth Date  Youngest Birth Date 
4U COED TBall  April 30, 2020  May 1, 2021 
6U COED TBall  April 30, 2018  May 1, 2020 
8U Coach Pitch  April 30, 2016  May 1, 2018 
10U Baseball  April 30, 2014  May 1, 2016 
12U Baseball  April 30, 2012  May 1, 2014 
14U Baseball  April 30, 2010  May 1, 2012 
18U Baseball  April 30, 2006  May 1, 2010 



League age is determined by child’s age on December 31, 2024. 

For example, a 10U Player must be 10 years old or younger on December 31, 2024. 

Age Group  Oldest Birth Date  Youngest Birth Date 
8U Coach Pitch  January 1, 2016  May 1, 2018 
10U Softball  January 1, 2014  December 31, 2015 
12U Softball  January 1, 2012  December 31, 2013 
14U Softball  January 1, 2010  December 31, 2011 


Volunteer coaches meet with other coaches of their age group and select players. Each coach is allowed 4 automatic picks prior to the draft. This includes their child. Automatic picks are capped at 4 to ensure a team cannot have an automatic infield. If a team does not have 4 automatic picks, those teams will pick in sequential order until all teams have an equal number of players. Coaches are provided names, ages, and relevant playing experience that was collected during registration. After the draft, staff double checks all rosters to make sure there were no errors. Those rosters are then published on TeamSnap. 

Yes – individuals may play up an age division. Nobody is allowed to play down an age division.  Please email if you would like to request for your child to play up an age division. 

Please note that age group options in registration are based on your child’s birthday. You will need to register for the age group that matches your child’s age and then MBSL staff can move your child up an age group once requested.  

Yes – individuals may play up an age division. Nobody is allowed to play down an age division.  Please email if you would like to request for your child to play up an age division. 

Please note that age group options in registration are based on your child’s birthday. You will need to register for the age group that matches your child’s age and then MBSL staff can move your child up an age group once requested. 


Teams at the TBall age group will be formed by league administrators. Tball teams will be formed as equally and fairly as possible based on player age, playing experience, and the many team requests we receive. 

Teams in the 8U age divisions and older will have their teams formed by a player draft at the end of registration.  


Tball teams typically have 7-11 players on each team. 

Baseball and Softball teams typically have 10-14 players on each team. 

Please note that the number of players on each team is dependent on registration numbers. We will work to ensure that teams have equal numbers of players to give kids the most playing time possible while also having substitutes available for each team. 

We strive to find the right balance of having just enough players on each team, so everyone gets a good amount of playing time while also having some roster flexibility if team members are unable to attend some games. 


Once your child is added to a team, you can message your coach in TeamSnap. Below is a list of instructions on how to direct message your coach in TeamSnap.  

  1. Open the TeamSnap app.  
  1. Click your Team Name.  
  1. Click the Messages tab.  
  1. Tap the plus (+) icon in the top right corner to start a new direct message. 
  1. Select your coach as the message recipient.  
  1. Enter your message.  
  1. Click send 

Initial questions can be directed to your team’s coach through TeamSnap messaging. 

If you have a question for a league administrator, please email or call 937-866-899. 

It takes some time to get all of the teams organized into the proper teams and divisions. 

Teams will be formed into TeamSnap during mid-March. Once the teams have been formed, you should hear from your coach shortly thereafter. 

If you have not heard from your coach by the Friday before practices begin (late March), please send a message to the league office at 

Scholarships & Discounts

Yes – We do offer a limited number of scholarships for individuals to play in MBSL. To apply for a scholarship, please call 937-866-8999. 

Yes! Each additional child receives $20 off their registration. 

  • 2 children from the same household equals a $20 discount. 
  • 3 children from the same household equals a $40 discount. 


Below is a list of instructions on how to direct message your coach in TeamSnap.  

  1. Open the TeamSnap app.  
  1. Click your Team Name.  
  1. Click the Messages tab.  
  1. Tap the plus (+) icon in the top right corner to start a new direct message. 
  1. Select your coach as the message recipient.  
  1. Enter your message.  
  1. Click send 

TeamSnap is the platform MBSL uses for registration, team formation, communication, and scheduling. When you register your child, you create a TeamSnap account, and this is where you will find everything you need for the season. Your team roster, practice and game schedule, and coach communication are in your TeamSnap account.  

Unfortunately, your account is with the TeamSnap company and not under our staff’s management. MBSL staff do not have access to confidential information such as usernames, passwords, or credit cards. Please follow TeamSnap’s customer support links for password retrieval. 

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